The year coming to a close…what have I learned? Well, I have learned that being grateful puts me in a better space emotionally and spiritually, that being grateful attracts positive things in my life…and being grateful is a big change for me. I have been less than grateful in the past.
I have learned that meditation is a powerful tool and a powerful way for God to directly communicate to me; and a way to relax…focus…take ‘time out’. Meditation is a positive change in my life and has been a big change; it reflects my shift in focus into the spiritual realm, allowing God back into my life, and listening to what God has to say to me. I have been and continue to be grateful and privileged that I am able to talk with and listen to God in my life.
I have learned that God is not this mean entity out to ‘test’ me and punish me when I fail the test – God wants nothing but the best in my life and the more open I am to listening to God, and being aware of opportunities to grow and risk and just ‘be out there’, the more success I have.
I am a remarkable person, I have learned (and am still learning) – I am lovable the way I am. I am worthy of others’ love and I am a worthwhile person – people want to know how I feel as well as what I think. I am lovable…to me.
I trust more than I did at the 1st of this year; I trust more that God is Providing Abundantly to me and to my family. Trust is a big thing, connected to being lovable, being worthwhile, and knowing that God is going to Provide Abundantly. I only need to keep my eyes and ears open for awareness of the opportunity. God DOES Provide.
Questionnaire for everyone who stopped talking to me
8 months ago